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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Vowel Team Dollar Deal!

Hi and Happy sale day!!  I know, I know there are $1 steals on here everyday, but today is the first time we get to share one of ours and let me tell you Mel and I are SO SUPER excited to be a part of this!!  We are first grade teachers and we blog at A Teacher Mom.  You can find us HERE (blog) and HERE (facebook) and HERE (TPT).

This month we are sharing one of our favorite packs – Vowel Teams ai and –ay Games!  It is usually $3 and for today (9/9), tomorrow (9/10), and Thursday (9/11) it will be marked down to only $1 – Woo-Hoo.  If you are like me I am loving these daily deals!

So what is this pack all about?

It is aligned to FUNdations phonics program, but truly if you are teaching the vowel teams ai and ay you will LOVE these games. 

Included are:

Race To the Bay:  A game where kids roll the dice and move through a game board practicing reading words with –ai and –ay.  

-ai and –ay BUMP:  A game where kids choose a card and read it.  If they read it correctly they keep the card, if they do not it goes back into the bottom of the pile.  There are also cards that require kids to take a card from another player, take another turn, or put all of their cards back into the pile!

BINGO:  Same as regular BINGO except kiddos need to read the words to cover their boards. 

I Have…Who Has…?:  A game where each child gets a card (or 2) and  they have to listen to the other students as they read the cards.  If they complete the circuit it will end up with the first player!

We made these last year AFTER we taught –ai and –ay and realized we had NOTHING fun for kids to use when practicing.  We used they for RTI reinforcers, but CANNOT wait until we can use them for word work stations this year!

Grab them while you can! Find the pack HERE!! 

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