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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Spaghetti and Meatball Spaces

Are you looking for a way to help your young writers remember to leave spaces between their words?  Well then, here is my recipe for spaces...  Spaghetti and Meatballs.  What is that you ask?  Well, here's what that means...

The spaghetti spaces are the small spaces between the letters IN a word and the meatball spaces are the bigger spaces BETWEEN the words.

Spaghetti and Meatball spaces
Poster for leaving spaces in writing

We talk about how in a word, the letters need to be very close to each other, but they can't touch.  These small spaces are like pieces of spaghetti.  I give everyone a real piece of uncooked spaghetti to try this out.  This is great for beginning writers who are having trouble spacing their letters appropriately.

Then I write a sentence with absolutely no spaces and we try to read it.  Not easy I tell you!
It shows us how important spaces are between the words.  When we write we need a big space between the words and those are the meatball spaces. No, I do not use a real meatball here, but I do give them a brown fuzzy pom pom to use.

After we use the real piece of spaghetti and the brown pom pom meatball, I glue the meatball to a craft stick and put those in my writing center.  When the kids are writing, many will grab a meatball stick to use.  They love the novelty of getting a tool to use to help them write.  I love that I can drop the stick onto their desk when I see that they need to remember to use spaces when writing and they immediately remember the lesson and start leaving spaces.
KinderIrick- Spaghetti and Meatball spaces

You can grab these cute posters for your own classroom here for just $1 for the next few days.  What a steal!

These are great to display in your writing center or to put into your kid's writing folders.

I hope you enjoy my Dollar Steal for the month!

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