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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Spiral Math Task Cards

It's Jamie from Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher! I have a deal for you!

If you have been following along for long, then you know that I LOVE task cards! My coworkers refer to me as the Task Card Queen. I have six tubs that are stuffed FULL of task card sets. They are so versatile and my kids enjoy them. Win! Win!

Last summer, I was trying to plan for the perfect math centers. (They exist, right?!) I decided that it was crucial to have one math center that involved a spiral review. I hate the idea of teaching a unit, mastering it, and then forgetting it. So I designed sets of spiral math task cards for each month of the school year. They have been a hit!

The September set includes tasks that students should have learned in the previous grade. Then, each month's set adds a skill or two from their grade level, but continue to ask about previous skills. You can use them in small groups, do a scoot, pair them with a board game or use them as an exit ticket.

My students struggled at the start of the year, but have grown so much each month and are now very successful with our task cards! And they are perfect for standardized test prep!

I put my second and my third grade February Spiral Math Task Card sets on sale for just $1! This deal will only last for three days, so be quick! Click on the picture to be taken to my TpT store.

Enjoy! I hope you have a super SWEET month!

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