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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Valentine's Day

Hello, again! This is Lindsey from Miss Law's Kinders

I am back with another great deal for you, and just in time for Valentine's Day!

I have my Valentine's Day Mini Pack for you to steal for the great deal of $1 for the next three days!

Included in this pack are the following centers:

Students will walk around the room and write down the first sound for each picture. 
(**This activity comes with a paper saving option.)

Students will sort the Valentine's Day related cards by how many syllables are in the word and then complete their recording sheet.

Students will decide which number is bigger on each card and write the bigger number on the recording sheet.

Students will use the non-standard heart rulers to measure the height of each Valentine's Day related picture. Students will then record their answers and decide which picture was the tallest and shortest on the recording sheet.

This Valentine's Day Mini Pack is a great addition to Valentine's Day centers you may already have, or as a great start to beginning your Valentine's Day centers collection.

Snatch it up while you can for a dollar!

Until next time!

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