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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Brag Tags, the Inexpensive Behavior Incentive!

Hey everyone! It's Elyse from A is for Apples! I'm here today to brag about my Brag Tags and give you some dollar deals on some of my best selling tags! Brag tags are a super inexpensive and fun way to reward your students for behavior and academics!

First things first...
What are brag tags?
Brag tags are small, rectangular pieces of paper that students can earn as academic and behavior incentives. Brag tags can be hung on backpacks or made into a necklace.
Brag tags are an inexpensive and easy way to reward students! You're ready to use the tags in just a few quick steps. Print, laminate, cut apart, and punch a hole - done!
I use small chains or binder rings to hang the tags on my students' bags. The binder rings are actually working out the best because they stay closed better and are easier to open when we add new tags.

Check out some tags on bags!!

On Monday my students received these two tags! I seriously love giving out new tags. It makes my day to see the students going crazy over receiving this little ol' piece of paper! My kiddos are keeping track of how many they've earned so far this year. Some of their keychains are starting to fill up and they may need a second one soon! Love it!!!

They get the homework club tags for doing ALL of their weekly homework each month. I've noticed it really helps with getting homework turned in! They don't want to miss out on a tag!
The 100th day of school tag comes from my Special School Days pack.
The kiddos also got a tag for Groundhog Day (not pictured) from my Holiday tags pack! The special days and holiday tags are fun because it gives every student in the class to earn a tag.

To help you get started with your collection, I'm putting these 3 Brag Tag packs on sale as $1 deals for the next 3 days!!!
{Links below!}
{Click on the links!}
Brag Tags for Homework
Brag Tags for Holidays
Brag Tags for Special School Days

Check out all of my Brag Tags by clicking on the image below!

I'm always thinking of more tags to create! If you have any ideas or suggestions, let me know in the comments!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes!! I have a Scotch laminator that I use to laminate and then I hole punch after. The tags definitely stay together better being laminated!
