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Sunday, January 18, 2015

DOLLAR DEAL on my BEST SELLER - my Editable Checklist!!

Hey hey there sweet friends of mine!! :) It's Ashley from Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd!

I am so so excited to be bringing you my BEST SELLING Teacher Deal and Dollar Steal today!!

What is the best seller, you ask? What can you snag from my store that is an ABSOLUTE LIFE SAVER when it comes to staying focused each week when I'm planning? What, for just one dollar, can you completely edit and customize to meet your planning needs?

It's simple, really.  But OH so very effective for me.  It's my FIRST TPT product ever - My WEEKLY PLANNING CHECKLIST! . . . which has been edited and re-vamped several times from its debut on my Instagram account (you can follow me on instagram HERE!)

Here is exactly how I use it and why it is my GO TO resources when I need to sit down and plan without distractions or losing track of what needs copied, laminated, etc!

Like many, many parts of my life, my lesson planning involves a routine.  Truly, I don't know how else I would do it! So as I planned week after week after week after week.... I realized that I was writing the SAME things on my to do list week after week after week after week.... until I got smart.  I thought - OH! I can type it up! I can make copies of my planning TO DOs that are routined and don't change much from week to week, and I can have blank copies on my planning clipboard ready to grab and start fresh when I plan each week!

When I first joined the wonderful world of instagram {follow me HERE!}, I posted my idea of NOT rewriting my lists of lists each week when I sat down to plan . . . here's my original post on Instagram of my original list complete with its original fonts...

... And as the new school year rolled around, and I don't have the same to-dos from week to week, I've been able to edit those to-dos because this checklist is complete editable, too! 

It's SUCH a time saver when it comes to making copies, too! In the picture above, you can see my scribble notes under the grammar and writing copies.  As a plan, I jot down what copies I will need for which day of the week.  Then, when I create, print, and copy them, I know exactly which day of the week folder to put them in in my days of the week drawer organizer behind my desk where I keep my copies for the week that you can see below and read more about {here}.  All I have to do is look to see which day of the week I jotted down the copy beside, and add it to that folder after I've copied it! (and add an original to my planning binders, of course!!)

If the weekly check list sounds like something that might help you stay focused and organized as you plan, my weekly check list pack also includes a variety of lists and planning sheets that might work out for you even better than the weekly planning check list! You can see the lists included in the image below! 

I PROMISE that it's a time saver and an organizational magician when it comes to planning each week.  It has been SO helpful to me, and I've gotten SO much fabulous feedback from my teacher friends in all different grade levels who use this each week!! I hope you find it helpful, too! 

You can snag this best seller on sale for just ONE DOLLAR through Tuesday!! Click any of the images above or HERE to snag it in my TPT store! :)

Thanks for stopping by our blog today!

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